Whenever we are sitting or I am changing his clothes I sing nursery rhymes. Now he loves them. He will say baba baaeee means plz sing baba blacksheep. And when I say " three bags full" he will try to show the number three with his fingers though he shows all five fingers. And when I say "one for the little boy" he will put his hand on his head. Johnny johny is his another favorite rhyme "open your mouth" he will open his mouth wide. Lol.
Recently he was suffering from cold. So I used to wipe his running nose with a paper tissue. So now he would ask for the tissue "daa"(give) and when I give it to him he will wipe his nose and his hands with it and throw the used tissue in the dustbin. One day I was having tea and I spilled a bit he ran and got me a towel to wipe it. His dad came out after washing his face he was standing with a towel in his hand.if he will spill water he will wipe it immediately. He is growing up so fast. God bless him.
He tries to eat with spoon and by gods grace the coordination is good. Spills very little.
Love watching him the whole day. :)
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